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Monday, September 26, 2016

We Made It To Fall!

Dear 1C Families!

Fall is upon us and I can feel the cool weather setting in to give us some well deserved relief. We have had a very busy month and things continue to be very busy, both inside and outside, of the classroom.

We have finished our unit on Subtraction. I was very impressed with students' scores on both addition and subtraction units. We will continue to work with these concepts as we move into more complex mathematical thinking. Our next unit will be on ordinal numbers. Please continue to work with your child at home, to master basic math facts. This can be done using simple flash cards, or there are several free apps that you can get to help facilitate this review. I will also be sending home the timed math fact review drills. These are strictly optional and do not need to be returned to school. They are just an added resource for you to use at home. We will continue our Rocket Math in the classroom.

We finished up Owl at Home and the students should have brought home their books and corresponding booklets, on Friday. We are now reading about Cinderella and the many different stories about Cinderella that are read around the world. We read the Cinderella story that the children are most familiar with and the story about Egyptian Cinderella on Friday. We spent time comparing and contrasting these two beautiful fairy tales. We will continue reading these wonderful works.

In science we are still concentrating on habitats found on our earth. We are now focusing on the ocean and have many fun activities planned to supplement the children's learning of this magnificent habitat and all that call it home.

Spike continues his adventures with the students! He is having a wonderful time and has had a lot of exciting adventures. I am so glad that the children are enjoying this activity. He will continue to make his journey through our class. Stay tuned for your turn!

Parent-Teacher conferences are fast approaching. Our wonderful parent liaison has set up my conference sign ups. You should have received a separate email from her with the link as well as some other sign up links. Conferences are mandatory so please be sure to sign up for your slot. For your convenience I have the link listed below. We look forward to meeting with you and discussing your child's progress. This is a PARENT ONLY conference, so please plan accordingly. 

Literacy week begins today. The PSO have planned many exciting events to celebrate the importance and enjoyment of reading. You should have received information on these events. A flyer will be going home today which explains the week's activities.

We will be re-instating the book bag process this Friday. Your child will be given a book on Friday to read over the weekend. We chose this format since the children do not have weekend homework. They can read over the weekend and if they have mastered the book they may bring it back anytime after Monday of the following week but before Friday. Please fill out the log enclosed and send back with the book. They will then be given another book on Friday and the process begins again. Those that have been given a chapter book may keep that book until it is finished. Please check in with your child, as they are reading, to verify comprehension. 

Our DIBELS Reading assessment data is in and you will be receiving a letter in the mail, this week, explaining your child's results. I will also have a copy available at your conference and we can discuss them more in detail at that time. 

As you may already know, our nurse has left for a different position. We will miss her greatly but wish her all of the best. The school is actively looking for a new nurse. In the meantime, please be assured that those with persistent health conditions and severe allergies, will still receive the attention that they require. Please explain to your student that unless they are vomiting, have a fever or have had an accident that has caused them significant injury, then we do not have a nurse to visit. We can take care of minor scrapes and scratches in the classroom. Scratchy throats, headaches, and tummy aches without vomiting will be handled with frequent drinks of water, a rest on their desk, bathroom breaks and snack and lunch. If you feel that your child is sick or is running a fever then please keep them home. 

Below are this week's phonogram list and some important dates.                 

Have a wonderful week!

Phonograms for week of Sept. 26-Sept.30

a, c,d ,f ,g, o, qu, b, ar, ay, ai, oy, oi, er, ir, ur, wor, ear, ng, ea, aw

Important Dates

Fall Break- NO SCHOOL  Oct. 10-14
Parent/Teacher Conferences-  Oct. 17-18  (NO SCHOOL)
Picture Retakes- Oct. 20 

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