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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A New Month.....

Hello 1C Families,

I am happy to announce that we are almost through the first full month of school! Your students have been working so hard and I am so proud of their accomplishments.

We have been hard at work in math, learning our addition facts and making number sentences. We have two spelling tests completed and I am very impressed that they have remembered so many of our important Spalding rules to help them spell. They have successfully memorized their first poem, The Caterpillar. We have been reading short stories from around the world showcasing Thumbelina and Tom Thumb and stories alike. We have also been learning different sayings such as "The Apple of my Eye" and "Hit the Nail on the Head." I hope you enjoyed seeing your students wearing their apple glasses! They had a wonderful time making them.

We continue to review basic concepts in math as well as conquer new material. We are adding to ten and reviewing number sense and following math directions. It is crucial for me to revisit some things to find out where the students might need some extra time or review. Since all math concepts build on one another is is vital that they know, and are comfortable with, the basics.

We are still learning about different Biomes in Science and we have started our unit on Mesopotamia, in History. We will continue to work on these within the next couple of weeks.

Our class participated in MAP testing last week, for math, and will complete the reading portion tomorrow (Wednesday). These computerized tests have replaced the Galileo assessments we've had in the past. The students haven enjoyed going to the "Prep Side" of the school and upstairs where the computer labs are located. I am almost finished with DIBELS testing and we will begin our leveled reading testing next week. My goal is to send home leveled readers and logs within the next two weeks.

A couple of housekeeping items: Please have children leave stuffed animals and toys at home. We realize that some of these items served as comfort for the children as they started the new school year. The students seem to have adjusted and the stuffed animals and toys can cause unneeded distractions. If some of your students have complained that it cold in our class, that is because it is. I keep the air turned down as far as it will go which is 72. With the weather still very warm outside and little circulation and lack of fresh air, I feel it necessary to keep the room cool. If the temperature is too cool for them (it is for me :) please send in an appropriate sweater to wear in the classroom. You can refer to the uniform guidelines within the family handbook for exact specifications.

Mrs. Bagby, our wonderful Kindergarten teacher, is offering Spalding tutoring to any of those that are interested or in need. She has opened up spots and you are able to secure a spot using Sign-Up Genius. I will include that link in this blog post below. If you feel that your student may need some extra attention in this area please feel free to contact me for advisement on their progress so far.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Wishing you and your families a very safe, enjoyable and restful three day weekend!

Important Upcoming Dates:
9/5-   Labor Day- NO SCHOOL
9/12- Spalding Information Night~ 6-7:30pm
9/22- Singapore Math Information Night~ 6-7:30pm

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hard At Work

Hello 1C Families!

First, I would like to thank all of those who were able to make it to curriculum night last week. It was so lovely to meet so many of you. The time went by so fast and I could have gone on more about all of the wonderful things your students will be learning this year. Please do not be concerned or worried if you weren't able to make it. We understand that schedules are busy and life happens. I sent home the handouts to those of you that could not join us. We will have plenty of opportunities to meet!

Your children are working so hard. Our days are filled with phonograms, writing, number bonds, math sentences, and learning parts of speech. We are still studying maps and geographical terms in History. This week will focus on the continents and where we live. We are well on out way to having our first poem, Caterpillar, completely memorized. Your little scholars are very proud of themselves as I am too! Please ask them to recite it for you. (Wait until Wednesday so they are very confident with it :) I read a Fairy Tale about dragons and then the children took a vote and named our classroom dragon. It was somewhat unanimous and our dragon has been named Spike. Spike will have the chance to go home with each student for one weekend. Your child will have the opportunity to practice their writing and spelling skills as they compose their own Fairy Tale about Spike. When he is sent home, there will be detailed instructions included. I can't wait to get this started and read the wonderful stories they will write!

This week will be busy as we begin Rocket Math and start reading level testing. I will send home more information on both, once we conclude our assessments.

I am very happy to announce that our classroom parent liaison is Mrs. Katerina Aberouette, Carissa's mom. She stepped forward to take on this important role and I am so grateful to her. She will be needing an assistant, so if you are interested in serving our class in this capacity, please let me know and I will guide you in the right direction. There will be plenty of opportunities to volunteer this year.

As we enter our third full week of school I am confident that our class will become even more settled and continue their diligence and hard work. Please always feel free to contact me regarding anything and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!

Important Dates:
Picture Day- Thursday, August 25

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Great Beginnings and Great Hearts

Although, our first week was a short two days, I enjoyed getting to know each and every one of your children. Each of them brings a unique and wonderful presence to our class.

We spent the first two days familiarizing ourselves with our new classroom and practicing procedures. They did a very good job with unpacking at the beginning of the day and packing up at dismissal. We are still working on lining up and staying in a nice and quiet, straight line while walking outside of the classroom. Practice makes permanent!

I understand that this year is the first time for some, to have a full day of school. It is a long day and we do work very hard. They all did a very good job at participating, staying focused and on task. I am very proud of them for all of their hard work and determination during the first two days of school. I am certain that it will continue as we begin our studies.

This week we will be jumping into our rich curriculum. We will begin Spalding and Singapore math. History will cover maps and globes, as we work up to our study of Mesopotamia and Ancient History. We will also, begin reading fables during language arts.

Thank you to all who were able to attend the Meet the Teacher event. If you were not able to attend please do not be concerned. There will be more opportunities to visit our class and learn about our wonderful curriculum.

In the meantime, please contact me with any questions you might have and any concerns you would like to address.

I am looking forward to teaching your children this year, and I consider it a privilege to have the opportunity.

Please take time to read about our Birthday Book Club. See link below.

Birthday Book Club

Monday, August 1, 2016

August 3, 2016                                

Dear Parents,

Welcome to First Grade!

It is my great pleasure and honor to have the privilege of teaching your children this year. This is my third year teaching with Great Hearts. I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development from Arizona State University and I am just finishing up my Master’s in Education, from Ottawa University. I am very excited to share this time of learning with your students.

First grade is a very important year as we will build and expand on skills learned in Kindergarten. Our days will be filled with wonder, as we explore classic literature, read and discuss poetry, use Spalding phonics to spell more complicated words, increase writing aptitude, learn new concepts in Singapore math and discover new and exciting theories in science and events in history.  We will continue to work hard on phonograms and tackle more difficult spelling tests.

As we move towards the first day of school, with excitement and anticipation, then progress through the rest of the year; I want to assure you that I am your partner in the education of your child. It is my priority that we maintain communication regarding your student as we move through the school year. Information regarding assignments, events and general information will be updated weekly, in our classroom blog. Please visit it frequently to check for changes and to stay connected to all that is happening in 1C. I have an open door policy. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me by email. If we are unable to address any issues through email, we can always have a phone conference or meet in person.

I am very excited to embark on this new school year with your student. My number one goal is to guide your child, as he or she, continues their journey in the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty.

Jennifer Smedegaard and Danielle DeMeese