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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hard At Work

Hello 1C Families!

First, I would like to thank all of those who were able to make it to curriculum night last week. It was so lovely to meet so many of you. The time went by so fast and I could have gone on more about all of the wonderful things your students will be learning this year. Please do not be concerned or worried if you weren't able to make it. We understand that schedules are busy and life happens. I sent home the handouts to those of you that could not join us. We will have plenty of opportunities to meet!

Your children are working so hard. Our days are filled with phonograms, writing, number bonds, math sentences, and learning parts of speech. We are still studying maps and geographical terms in History. This week will focus on the continents and where we live. We are well on out way to having our first poem, Caterpillar, completely memorized. Your little scholars are very proud of themselves as I am too! Please ask them to recite it for you. (Wait until Wednesday so they are very confident with it :) I read a Fairy Tale about dragons and then the children took a vote and named our classroom dragon. It was somewhat unanimous and our dragon has been named Spike. Spike will have the chance to go home with each student for one weekend. Your child will have the opportunity to practice their writing and spelling skills as they compose their own Fairy Tale about Spike. When he is sent home, there will be detailed instructions included. I can't wait to get this started and read the wonderful stories they will write!

This week will be busy as we begin Rocket Math and start reading level testing. I will send home more information on both, once we conclude our assessments.

I am very happy to announce that our classroom parent liaison is Mrs. Katerina Aberouette, Carissa's mom. She stepped forward to take on this important role and I am so grateful to her. She will be needing an assistant, so if you are interested in serving our class in this capacity, please let me know and I will guide you in the right direction. There will be plenty of opportunities to volunteer this year.

As we enter our third full week of school I am confident that our class will become even more settled and continue their diligence and hard work. Please always feel free to contact me regarding anything and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!

Important Dates:
Picture Day- Thursday, August 25

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