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Sunday, August 7, 2016

Great Beginnings and Great Hearts

Although, our first week was a short two days, I enjoyed getting to know each and every one of your children. Each of them brings a unique and wonderful presence to our class.

We spent the first two days familiarizing ourselves with our new classroom and practicing procedures. They did a very good job with unpacking at the beginning of the day and packing up at dismissal. We are still working on lining up and staying in a nice and quiet, straight line while walking outside of the classroom. Practice makes permanent!

I understand that this year is the first time for some, to have a full day of school. It is a long day and we do work very hard. They all did a very good job at participating, staying focused and on task. I am very proud of them for all of their hard work and determination during the first two days of school. I am certain that it will continue as we begin our studies.

This week we will be jumping into our rich curriculum. We will begin Spalding and Singapore math. History will cover maps and globes, as we work up to our study of Mesopotamia and Ancient History. We will also, begin reading fables during language arts.

Thank you to all who were able to attend the Meet the Teacher event. If you were not able to attend please do not be concerned. There will be more opportunities to visit our class and learn about our wonderful curriculum.

In the meantime, please contact me with any questions you might have and any concerns you would like to address.

I am looking forward to teaching your children this year, and I consider it a privilege to have the opportunity.

Please take time to read about our Birthday Book Club. See link below.

Birthday Book Club