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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Week 2 of Quarter 2

Dear 1C Families,

So sorry for the late Blog update. As stated in my letter to you last week, myself and my family have been battling a very bad stomach flu. I hope this update finds you healthy! It is that time of year and we are fighting germs, germs and more germs. Please remind your children to practice good hand washing while at school. I Lysol the room at the end of each day but we can use all of the help we can get this time of year!

This week we are finishing up our unit on subtraction and addition. We will be taking a practice test on Thursday and the final test will be on Friday. I know that some of the concepts such as using the "making ten" concept while subtracting is a little tough for the students to understand but they are getting there and understanding it more and more. It is a concept that will develop more over the next few years of Singapore math.

We continue to read our Fairy Tales and compare and contrast the elements that these stories contain. In science we will start our reports on sharks. Students will be put into groups and each group will study a particular type of shark and compose a short report in conjunction with making and painting a large cut out of their shark. We are very excited to start this process so that the students can learn how to work cooperatively in a group. We completed our short unit on World Religions and have started our unit on Mexico. We have a lot of fun information to share and learn about our neighbors to the south!

Our fall music concert is fast approaching. Please visit Mrs. Boswell's Blog for more information on this exciting event. You can access her Blog via the school website. The children have been working and practicing very hard and I am very excited to see them perform!

Book bags will resume this Friday. Due to our literary character festivities last Friday and my absence from school, we did not send them home. These bags will only be going home on Fridays and they may be returned anytime before the following Friday.

Wishing everyone a wonderful and healthy, rest of the week!

Phonograms for week of 10/31

a, c, d, f, g, o, s, qu, b, e, ci, sh, ee, th, ow, ou, oo, ch, ar, ay 

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